Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Cognoa Teams with LEARN Behavioral to Support Earlier Autism Diagnoses

Cognoa’s AI-based app provides parents with a new tool to foster optimum well-being for their families. Cognoa recently became partners with LEARN Behavioral, which will enable the Cognoa Child Development app to reach the hands of more families.

LEARN Behavioral is a network of providers of healthcare services for children on the autism spectrum and for children with other special needs. Every year, thousands of families nationwide have their children’s needs met through a LEARN Behavioral provider. 

With the Cognoa Child Development app now available to LEARN Behavioral, parents can conduct an initial child development screening to help inform them of their child’s developmental health - as well as risks for development delay - and guide them through towards an expedited diagnosis, if needed. Cognoa’s solution has the potential to improve today’s standard of care where most children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder after the age of 4 years - past the optimum window of opportunity for intervention programs to achieve the most success.