Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Research Paper Highlights AI as a Developmental Diagnostic Tool

AI Robot Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash
Digital diagnostics firm Cognoa has distinguished itself as a Silicon Valley company founded on improving children's’ lives through developmental data that empowers physicians and families. Using an artificial intelligence-driven platform now available to clinicians and selected employers, Cognoa works to help in the screening of young children for autism and other developmental delays.

The company’s advisory team includes medical professionals, clinicians, and researchers who are capable of utilizing AI and other developing technologies to facilitate earlier and more accurate diagnosis of developmental delays, making crucial early intervention easier.

Members of Cognoa’s executive and advisory teams contributed research resulting in a paper on the use of machine learning in the timely detection of autism, published in the August 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.

The study of 162 children used two algorithms including a series of questions to caregivers and a tagging device to observe behavior using homemade videos. Researchers combined the results and compensated for data imbalances through innovative engineering and coding functions.

The research paper concluded that an AI-powered app is capable of providing reliable data to screen for autism in settings outside a clinician’s office. The Cognoa model allows parents to conduct at-home screenings that can lead to meaningful conversations with physicians about their children’s development.

The paper noted that its conclusions were based on a limited data set, and encouraged further clinical research on this topic using larger population samples.